'Academy of the Forbidden Arts'
An Art Stage Installation
An Art & Sound Stage intricately designed as a haunted, brightly colored, gothic architectural hellscape made of a menagerie of found objects dipped in neon.
Step up close to explore the ethereal, the dark, the sinister, the unknown, the forbidden, the villainous…

The Vision
The Academy of the Forbidden Arts is an immersive stage open for ethereal, dark, colorful, and sinister performances and music.
The art is co-created by a team of artists: Dicapria, Tess Clabby, Adair, Eden Knutilla, Melby, Krystal Harfert, Lucy Kang, and Kye Whitmore.
The majority of this piece is made from repurposed materials and found objects, including found wood, 2nd hand items, borrowed materials, repurposed toys and objects from re-use craft stores such as barbie limb architectural elements, pencils shingling the roof, and easter eggs lining the shadow boxes; glowing gummy bears, diy 'stain glass', gargoyles constructed out of sailing tarp, repurposed chandeliers, and more.
Climbing onto the stage to discover all of the found objects and assemblage is one of the key immersive features. As is creating room for ethereal, haunting performances, rituals, and magical moments.
The core pieces break down into manageable pieces. The full stage is originally 8'x16' but can be broken down to create a smaller footprint.
Footprint : 8'x16' (can be made as small as 8'x4', 8'x8', or 8'x12')

Painting by Eden Knutilla

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The Crew
We have an amazing crew of talented artists, engineers, performance artists, and designers collaborating on this project.
Technical Director, Chandelier Lead
Eden Knutilla
Bosch Painting, Gargoyles, Shadow Box Assemblage, Art Crew